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Supply Chain Tracker with Edge Computing & Generic Cloud


Google Cloud, Linux, Java SEE Runtime, Spring & Hibernate, Apache Tomcat, JavaScript/Angular.js, Quartz, Apache HTTP Client, JUnit, Jenkins and Apache Maven, Azure IoT Hub, Events Hub, Cosmos DB, Kubernetes, Docker, AWS, Edge Computing, Custom Protocol Gateways


Development of a fully Cloud agnostic solution from scratch – the enterprise platform that includes 3 main components (web portal, APIs, device trackers), all running on Google Cloud, AWS and Azure IoT.


Lack of the supply chain industry digitization and an abundance of manual processes lead to the lack of efficiency.

The client was looking for a long-term technology partner to build, maintain and scale a Cloud agnostic CRM solution to cover all services provided by the supply chain players. The solution was to become the company’s key market differentiator.

As the client was finishing the 1st phase of software prototyping and development that had successfully attracted investors and demonstrated the capabilities of the platform, they were looking for a provider that could get their product to the enterprise level.


A SaaS CRM linked with the Global Mobility Marketplace platform. The solution covers all the services provided by the service providers in the supply chain and is offered to them for free.

The solution is disruptive for the logistics industry: it consists of a real-time parcel tracking device and service that allows users to track the location, security and condition of their shipments (if the package is too hot or cold, if it gets wet, if it is opened, if it’s been dropped or tilted and where this happened) regardless of the scale, country or carrier.

On top of that, we upgraded enterprise architecture to accommodate the services from Google Cloud, AWS and Azure IoT.


We started with an assessment of the client’s software architecture, which resulted in a proposal with our recommendations.

The main idea was to move from the startup phase to the fundamentally robust enterprise architecture that could be built upon and scaled up as the company  grew.

The startup phase implied fewer barriers like the need for rapid iterations and pivots, meaning that the company had used a production environment where they could push changes immediately.

As we began the consulting process, our client was already providing trials for its partners. As such, our team needed to establish the following Google Cloud environments: QA, Testing, User Acceptance and Production.

With an increase in devices from trial to production (200 to 20,000 devices) and a greater number of sensors embedded in the hardware, the cloud platform needed to support scaling in a cost-effective way.

The platform is capable to receive and process aggregated data from the IoT Devices – EDGE Computing capabilities.

We were able to meet all the client’s requirements. As a plus, due to the team’s active involvement and solutions provided, our client reached their scalability and performance goals through new tools and workflows that improved development time and collaboration.

Based on the client’s current architecture, the proposed and implemented architectural improvements were:

Redesigning the Entire Development & Deployment Workflow

Introducing Automated Testing

Developing New Features, Code Improvements & Refactoring Existing Functionalities

Performing Security Improvements

Establishing a Performance Assessment Action Plan


  • improved stability (20%), scalability and performance,
  • the SaaS CRM is 100% ready for the production phase and public product launch.
Lines of code written
(70k java, 8k javascript)
0 K
Hours of work
0 K
Devices travelling the world
0 K

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